What is considered beautiful varies between cultures and changes over time, including the quantity and location of body hair. Throughout history, eyebrows have been thick and full as well as tweezed down to almost nothing. But there has been a general consensus for quite some time on the proper state of female (and male, to a lesser extent) legs: smooth and silky. Lucky for you, numerous methods of hair removal have been developed for you to try. Unlucky for you, some of them hurt like no other. A general unfortunate rule for tools to get rid of leg hair is that the less pain they inflict, the less permanent the solution. And pain in this situation can be either physical or monetary, as costs of hair removal can really put a dent in your bank account.
Tips for Trying New Hair Removal Products
- Read product labels thoroughly before use. Only use as directed.
- If burning results, quit using the product immediately.
- See a doctor if serious rashes or chemical burns occur.
Getting Rid of Leg Hair
Shaving is probably the most popular method for leg hair removal. This is possibly because it’s so cheap and quick. But it’s also just a quick fix, as hair can grow back within a day or a few days—if you’re lucky. It’s different for everyone. Just go pick up your favorite razor from the store (there are a zillion options). Lather up your leg with shaving cream or soap and water, and shave your leg in the opposite direction of hair growth. Beware of razor bumps and cuts. Rinse off, allow to dry, and apply some lotion for maximum sexiness.
Tweezing is another cheap, at-home method, but more time consuming. Tweezing the entirety of both your legs is quite a task, but I know women who do it. Your legs will be hairless for days longer than shaving, and you save yourself a pile of money by foregoing waxing. The only thing you need to spend money on is your tweezers. You’ll want a good pair if you’re going this route, which are more expensive than you’d think. However, they are still loads cheaper than other leg hair removal options. Ingrown hairs may result.
Depilatory Products
Tweezing is another cheap, at-home method, but more time consuming. Tweezing the entirety of both your legs is quite a task, but I know women who do it. Your legs will be hairless for days longer than shaving, and you save yourself a pile of money by foregoing waxing. The only thing you need to spend money on is your tweezers. You’ll want a good pair if you’re going this route, which are more expensive than you’d think. However, they are still loads cheaper than other leg hair removal options. Ingrown hairs may result.
Waxing can be done at home or the salon. Home waxing is obviously going to be cheaper, but a salon will save you from potentially burning yourself with the wax. It’ll also probably be quicker, and you won’t be the one inflicting the pain. There are several varieties of wax to try, including all-natural, and you’ll find a recipe for making your own below. Whichever you choose, follow the directions to avoid all kinds of damage to yourself. Reactions to waxing will differ (extreme pain or none; splotchy, red skin or none). Veet has a wax strip kit from Amazon that may help you here.
Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal can get expensive, but it’s a fairly permanent method. This treatment for unwanted hair can take several sessions (3–8), but hair will be way less of a problem. A dermatologist will use a laser to blast away at your hair follicles, eventually damaging them enough to slow hair growth. This is fairly painless, but you will need to be very careful with your skin for a time afterwards. There are also possible side effects. These are generally only minor. However, there could possibly be blistering or color changes in your skin (especially if your skin is darker).
Electrolysis is a permanent, painful, and expensive way to get rid of leg hair. A needle is inserted into a hair follicle and either a chemical or intense heat is added to destroy them. Multiple sessions may be necessary to completely eradicate hair, and sessions will be longer for larger areas. Your legs have a lot of surface area, so you might be in for quite the process (and possibly quite the pain). But after all is said and done, your legs will be hair-free—permanently.
Choosing a Method for Leg Hair Removal
With so many available options, you might be wondering where to start. The bad news is that I can’t make that choice for you. The good news is that unless you jump straight to electrolysis or lasers, there’s nothing stopping you from trying out each of them until you find out what works for you. If you decide to try the more permanent options, please take care in choosing where you get this service. There are many places clamoring to rid you of that furry sweater on your legs, but check them out in advance and only trust a trained professional to come at you with lasers and/or chemicals. If after taking time, money, pain, and the results into account, you still find these options unacceptable, or are fed up with them altogether, you have one last alternative: Stop caring about what your legs look like and leave them to their natural state. Maybe smooth them out for special occasions, but otherwise embrace your furriness. You’ll stay warmer in the winter and save yourself time and money. And it could be a conversation starter at summer parties. Whichever route you choose, just be sure to love your legs, your body, and yourself.
Homemade Natural Sugar Hair Remover
- 2 cups sugar
- ¼ cup lemon juice
- ¼ cup water
Hair should be fairly long before sugaring. Heat ingredients on low in a saucepan, without boiling or burning. Once mixture reaches 250 degrees Fahrenheit, allow to cool slightly and then pour into a reheatable glass container. Make clean cotton fabric strips an inch or two wide and six inches long. Cool mixture (it should be warm, but not so hot that it burns you). Use a Popsicle stick to spread the mix onto a small patch of your leg in direction of hair growth. Place cotton strip on top, press down, allow to cool, and pull it off fast. Repeat until both legs are smooth. The leftover mixture can be reheated for later use.