Search: "stains"

Bleach Stains »

Have a bleach stain that you can't seem to get rid of? We can help you with that.

Stains on Teeth »

Our teeth can become discolored very easily. But they can just as easily come clean with a little bit of brushing. Staining happens when we repeatedly subject our teeth to stain-causing agents and then neglect to care for them properly. Let's put a stop to that.

Sweat Stains »

How to get rid of sweat stains, specifically, armpit varieties: basic stain removal and what you can do to prevent sweat stains in the future.

Stains »

A guide to help you get rid of stains of any kind, including protein stains, dye stains, oil-based stains, and tannin stains.

Rust Stains »

Get rid of rust stains found on fabrics and different surfaces using a few simple steps in this article...iron oxide proves no match for preparation!

Mattress Stains »

Stains of urine, blood, sweat, and many other disgusting and/or unnatural contaminants that show up on your mattresses are all discussed in this guide to getting rid of mattress stains.

Clothes Stains »

This article lists several varieties or classes of stains on clothes and their ideal stain removal techniques.

Blood Stains »

Having a hard time getting rid of blood stains? I'll teach you how to remove blood stains quickly with fewer chemicals.