
Do you have some problems maintaining a steady stream while doing number one in the bathroom? Cystitis is an inflammation of the urinary bladder. It surely isn’t pleasant. Some of its symptoms include painful urination, frequent urination, incontinence, malodorous and discolored urine, and a constant feeling of pressure in the pelvic region. It can be caused by many different factors, including bruising from sexual intercourse, bacterial and viral infections, reactions to medications, autoimmune disorders, and pelvic muscle problems. With a wide variety of causes, we are left with a wide variety of possible treatments. Some preventative steps can be taken at home, but most treatments will require the intervention of a physician.

Cystitis Antibiotics

In the case of bacterial cystitis, about 50 percent of patients will recover within a week or two without using antibiotics. Simple treatments with oral antibiotics such as trimethoprim, cephalosporins, nitrofurantoin, ciprofloxacin, and sulfamethoxazole will drastically speed up the process. Why would you want to make it last any longer than necessary?

Best Cystitis Relief

What kind of cystitis is it?

This is a question that pretty much only a doctor can answer. They will have the diagnostic tools necessary to make such a determination. You will pee in a cup and a lab will analyze your urine for signs of bacterial infection and blood cells. Those two factors can help immensely when determining the course of action. The doctor will also ask you some questions about recent sexual activity, and past problems with urination. Your age and gender come into play here, as well. Post-menopausal women can have more problems with cystitis, as can men with enlarged prostates.

The most common variety is trauma induced.

What kind of trauma can cause bruising of the bladder, you ask? Well in the case of females, we are generally talking about engaging in some sort of sexual intercourse that involves enthusiastic vaginal penetration. This is sometimes referred to as honeymoon cystitis. The cure, of course, is some time off from such activities. Things will heal up and, in all likelihood, you’ll be back at it in no time. Perhaps you could encourage the one doing the penetrating to control their intensity a bit? You could warn them that you’ll be on the bench again with the same problem if they don’t ease up. After all, communication is key to a good sex life.

The second most common form is caused by bacteria.

You probably won’t be surprised to hear that this bacterial infection, usually called a urinary tract infection, is also most commonly associated with recent sexual activity. It has to do with repetitive, grinding pressure forcing bacteria the wrong way up a woman’s urethra. From there, it can spread into the bladder, ureter, and kidneys. It is more difficult for men to contract a bacterial infection in this area because the urethra in males is longer and farther away from the anus. It does happen, and treatment for both genders involves a course of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.

Interstitial cystitis is a bit of a mystery characterized by painful urination.

It is often misdiagnosed as bacterial cystitis or as a urinary tract infection. If you have been treated for those conditions with antibiotics to no avail, and you are still suffering from the same symptoms, there is a possibility that you have interstitial cystitis. A doctor will need to diagnose this, and treatment is very much dependent upon the type. Some treatments focus upon repairing the lining of the bladder, some work towards expanding its capacity, and some will have you doing pelvic exercises to strengthen the muscles.

Hemorrhagic cystitis is usually related to cancer treatment, but can be caused by a virus.

Isn’t it bad enough that you have cancer, but then the chemotherapy and radiation treatments have side effects like cystitis? Unfortunately, there isn’t a whole lot you can do about the cause. Your doctor will be able to give you advice specific to your situation. There are some treatments that involve flushing out the bladder via a catheter, but that’s not something you can do at home. Drinking large quantities of water can help. It might seem counterintuitive to cause yourself more discomfort with radical hydration, but it is said to make a difference in most cases of cystitis.

Cystitis Treatments

There are a lot of things we can do to prevent bladder problems, but the sad fact is that most of us don’t even think about stuff like this until it happens. I say that as someone who has never experienced a urinary tract infection. From what I’ve heard, once you’ve had one, you’ll want to do everything you can to prevent one in the future. Once you do have one, especially if it’s bacterial in origin, you are going to need a prescription to clear it up. That means suffering through the pain, discomfort, and potential for embarrassment until you can get yourself an appointment. In the meantime, staying hydrated and using urinary pain relief drugs like AZO (which you can get at Amazon) can make a difference. However, it will only postpone the inevitable trip to the doctor for a short time.

Natural Cystitis Treatments

Lifestyle changes. Since most urinary infection problems seem to stem from sexual intercourse, one might be left with the impression that a life of celibacy is looking pretty good right now. Nonsense, I say! With some additional attention to hygiene in the crotch area, and some different sexual practices (positions), your chances of infection go down significantly.

Water. You might be tempted to not drink anything ever again to avoid the pain of urination with an infection, but it is absolutely the worst thing you can do. Water will help to flush the infection out, and it is important for your body to get enough water on a daily basis anyway. This is especially true when you are fighting infections.

Cranberry juice. This is the old standby for treatment of urinary problems, even if some people aren’t convinced of its efficacy. Scientific studies have shown that it does have potential for preventing the infection-causing bacteria from clinging to the tissue in the urethra. That means that it can be useful in preventing such problems, but in all likelihood an established infection will require antibiotics. If you live in a place like we do where the grocery stores kind of stink for options, you can find Cranberry Juice online at Amazon.

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About the Author

Sean Froyd

Sean Froyd