Sit back, close your eyes, and imagine a world where you can eat a poppy seed muffin without imagining yourself taking a bite out of your own face. Blackheads are a plague upon the cosmetic world, I tell you. It’s unfortunately something I struggle with on the daily. If you’re affected by them also, don’t worry. I am, after all, trying to help you. And after dealing with this nightmare for nigh on two decades, I’m confident I can do just that.

There are of course, some professional help options and natural remedies too. We’ll cover both.

So what, exactly, is a blackhead?

I’m glad you asked. The short answer is that blackheads are pores clogged with dried out plugs of yuck. Here’s the long answer: when pores, which are the homes of hair follicles and sebaceous glands (sebaceous glands produce sebum, the waxy oil that moisturizes and protects your skin) become clogged with a delicious mixture of sebum and dead skin cells, a very comfortable home is created for bacteria, namely acne vulgaris. When the bacterial infection sets in and the infected plug of yuck (called a comedone) is exposed to the air, it dries out and…voila! Blackhead.

Who gets them?

Me, you, your mom, and almost everyone else. The fact is that about 80% of people will experience blackheads (or whiteheads) at some point in their lives.

Acne in general, and blackheads, are more common among women pregnant, or about to get their period, and everyone in their teens. This is because of — and if you’re part of this group, let me apologize in advance because I’m sure you’re sick of hearing about your raging hormones — but, well, it’s your raging hormones. The bodies of young men and women, during adolescence, produce more testosterone, which, in turn, causes the production of more sebum (skin oil) and keratin (the main ingredient of skin). When too much keratin is produced, too much skin is created. Couple that with an excess of face oil and the risk of pores becoming clogged elevates. In addition, the bodies of these same young people are also producing elevated levels of other androgens (the same group of hormones that contains testosterone) that elevate sebum production. So there you have it. Being young sucks. But being old doesn’t have a lot going for it either.

Best Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads

Wash your face

Wash your face in the morning and in the evening. Wait! Don’t skip this paragraph. I know this seems like it should go without saying, but hear me out. All too often, people aren’t doing it right. When washing your face, you need to make certain to use warm water, NOT HOT! Washing with water that’s too hot can irritate the skin, cause it to produce too much oil, and make everything worse. You want to get rid of blackheads, not cause more. You also need to make sure to use a gentle cleanser. It’s your face, not the grill of a truck that just drove through 200 miles of bug clouds. Finally, go easy when washing your face. Use your fingertips and rub gently in a circular motion. Being too aggressive with your skin can cause irritation and make things worse.

There are also face washes, like the one from TreeActiv, which is a tree oil cleanser, easy on the face, and is designed to open pores and remove acne, including blackheads.  You can find it here on Amazon.

Use an exfoliant

Anyone, regardless of gender, who’s prone to blackheads should be using an exfoliant. Using an exfoliant will help you to remove the old dead cells before they end up in your pores and cause blackheads. Exfoliating can also help to reduce the ridges of skin around your pores. Not only will this make them less likely to clog, it will also reduce their appearance. It’s a win-win. Because exfoliating is kinda tough on the skin, it should only be done once every five days to a week. When you do exfoliate, be careful! You’re basically sanding your face. If you get too aggressive, you can damage the skin and cause yourself more problems. After applying your exfoliant, use the tips of your fingers to massage your face in small, circular motions and be more gentle than you believe is necessary. After you’ve done it a few times, increase or decrease pressure as you see fit.

Whatever you do, don’t overdo the exfoliant. It can be harsh on your skin. The American Academy of Dermatology suggests that timing is everything. If you have very oily skin, then maybe daily is OK. If you have drier skin, a couple times a week may be plenty.

There are lots of exfoliants to choose from on the market — hundreds, literally. Companies make a ton of money off of exfoliants. Be sure to choose a time-tested one.  We like the popular one made by Paula’s Choice. You can find it here on Amazon.

Apply a pore strip

After exfoliating, apply a pore strip. In all honesty, I think pore strips are kinda gross, especially when they’re removed remember an old commercial for them wherein a girl looked at a used one she was holding and said something to the effect of “It looks like a tiny forest!”. All I can say to that is: truth in advertising. I’ve found pore strips to be most effective when used immediately after exfoliating. After removing the pore strip, splash some cool water on your face, gently pat yourself dry, and carry on. I’m not certain if a dermatologist would approve, but for me it works to get rid of blackheads. If you want to go this route, you can get Bioré pore strips from Amazon.

Use a blackhead extractor

We know everyone tells you not to remove blackheads using your own grubby fingernails, due to the possibility of causing scarring. And they’re right. But here’s the thing; sometimes you’ve got one, and regardless of what anyone tells you, you’re gonna try to get it out. An extractor is a reasonably safe way to do it. I use an extractor (sterilized with rubbing alcohol) only after my face has been washed and my skin is softer. Apply some pressure and move it around the blackhead. If it pops up easily, I use the extractor to scrape it away; if it doesn’t come up easily, I wait a few days and try again.

Use an acne treatment product

Use an appropriate acne treatment product. Not all acne products are created equal. When dealing with blackheads, you want to find one that has a 2% concentration of salicylic acid. I say this because salicylic acid does a great job of promoting the shedding of dead skin. Most will also contain a topical antiseptic like sulfur or benzoyl peroxide. These are good things. Look for brands like SmoothE Acne Cream, Clean & Clear Acne Advantage Spot Treatment, Garnier Pure Active Pimple Relief Roll-On, or…you know what? Just read the label. There’s a ton of ‘em out there.

Just be careful with these. They may not all be proven, or have stood the test of time. And if you use one that doesn’t agree with your skin type, you could actually cause other skin issues.  Best to see a Dermatologist if anything is too confusing or seems wrong.

Remember to moisturize

Here’s the thing: everything you do to your face to get rid of blackheads is kinda tough on it. The least you can do is provide it with a little moisture. It’ll thank you for it. Or at the very least, it won’t punish you for it. When you use some of the techniques listed above, your skin may get irritated. Irritated skin has a tendency to produce too much oil, and too much oil produces facial chaos, and facial chaos means it’s more difficult to get rid of blackheads. So soothe your skin before the chaos begins. Get a water-based moisturizer. Cetaphil makes a couple of good ones (Moisturizing Cream for Dry, Sensitive Skin, & Dermacontrol Oil Control Moisturizer).

Be careful what you eat

Chocolate, regardless of what your mommy told you, does not cause acne. Elevated blood sugars, on the other hand, can trigger acne. So that chocolate bar isn’t doing you any favors, either. Do your best to avoid things with refined sugars (which is really just fancy talk for table sugar). This includes candy, cookies, soda, breads, bagels, chips, and everything else that’s delicious. You should also try to avoid eating foods with trans fats and anything cooked in fry oil. This should help stop blackheads and acne from forming in the first place.

While the medical evidence is not iron-clad that there is a link between foods and acne or blackheads, there is enough anecdotal evidence to suggest it is worth a try.  You want to get rid of your blackheads, so why not?

Quick Tips For Avoiding Future Blackheads

  • Change pillowcases frequently (every five days or so).
  • Keep your hair clean. You don’t want greasy hair touching your face.
  • Keep your hands off your face. They’re not as clean as you think.
  • Get some sun. UV light helps to fight acne.
  • If you can avoid it, don’t use makeup.
  • If you can’t avoid it, use only non-comedogenic (non-acne-causing) makeups.
  • Whenever you wear makeup, wash it off as soon as you can.
  • Wear loose clothing. The friction caused by tight clothing can cause blackheads.
  • Speaking of friction: phones, hats, backpacks and anything else (within reason) that rubs against your skin should be avoided.
  • Wash your face regularly.
  • After a workout or heavy sweat, don’t just wait until the evening to bathe. Wash your face any time it has gotten sweaty or greasy.

How to Get Rid of Blackheads with Professional Help

Prescription Blackhead Medications

Sometimes the OTC options just aren’t going to do the trick, or at least not do it well enough. In these cases, it may behoove you to go see the doctor. Turns out, blackheads are a very common, age-old problem. Because of this, there are numerous things that you can be prescribed. A couple of the more common and most effective are Differin and Avita. The active ingredients in both are vitamin A derivatives that work by inhibiting oil gland function. In addition to, or perhaps instead of the vitamin A meds, you may be prescribed Tetracycline, an oral antibiotic that kills the problem-causing bacteria.

For all the ladies in the crowd, it’s entirely possible that you’ll be prescribed a low-dose oral contraceptive: probably Ortho Tri-Cyclen, but Yaz and Estrostep are also common. The estrogen and progesterone in these pills decrease the amount of androgens your body is producing, and the lower the androgen levels are, the lower your face oil levels are.

*Attention* If you go the prescription route, be patient and follow instructions. 6-8 weeks is normal. It’s also not uncommon for things to get worse before they get better.


This procedure should only be done by an actual skin care professional. It is, however, very effective, and I recommend it. Microdermabrasion is the process of mechanically removing your outermost layer of skin either by “sandblasting” or “sanding.” Removing that outer layer of skin (which was already dead, btw) is a great way to keep it from dropping into your pores, and thus starting blackheads.

According to Dr. Joseph Michaels, a dermatologist who performs the procedure in Maryland, the typical procedure takes 30 minutes or less, and has a short recovery time of less than 30 days.

Photopneumatic Therapy

Another job for the dermatologists, photopneumatic therapy has been shown to be a really effective blackhead removal procedure. How could it not be? There’s lasers! During the procedure, a dermatologist takes a little wand and applies it to your face. The wand has a vacuum that pulls your skin up, opens the pores, and sucks out the excess oil, skin cells, dirt, and other built up gunk. While the skin is up and the pores are open, they get hit with an IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) laser. The light from this laser is what kills the bacteria. Folks who use this treatment find it’s fast and effective.

How to Get Rid of Blackheads Naturally

Baking Soda Exfoliant

I know there are literally hundreds of recipes out there for homemade exfoliants, and I’m sure they’re all great. But honestly, not only is this one completely natural, you’ve already got everything you need to make it. And, unlike many of the others that may contain six or more ingredients, this one’s only got two. Mix baking soda and apple cider in a one to three ratio. Two tbsp baking soda, and 6 tbsp vinegar is my preferred mix. That’s it. I prefer the apple cider vinegar method due to its antibacterial properties, but if you don’t have any, use water. Baking soda is just abrasive enough to do a great job removing unwanted dead skin which can cause blackheads. Just remember to be gentle.


Here’s another one you may already have in the cupboard. It’s well known that zinc aids in wound healing and helps to tame inflammation. If you’ve got an angry blackhead on your face, this is a no brainer. If you don’t already have some, head to the drugstore and get a zinc supplement. Just make sure to follow the directions on the bottle to the letter. Some zinc is good for you; too much can make you sick.


Seriously, could this get any easier?! Good old-fashioned steam works wonders at loosening up dirt, dead skin cells, makeup, and whatever else has taken up residence on your face. Get some water boiling, move it to the counter on a potholder. Lean over it with a towel over your head and bowl. If you feel any discomfort, move back…steam burns. After about five minutes, rinse and dry your face with some warm water. To avoid too much skin irritation from the hot steam, this should only be done once a week.

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